
Its been some time since the last update. Things have been very eventful for electric scooters community here in Singapore.

Its been just announced yesterday that from today 5th Nov 2019 onward, pmds are not allowed on footpaths anymore. Previously they are also banned from roads. Whats left is only cycling and shared paths which is not very accessible for most people. And you got to push your scooters till you get there. The delivery riders are the ones worst hit by the latest ban. Some resort to riding on grass patches. Today, many of them are in debts trying to pay off their new scooters after upgrading twice within a year to fulfill the legal requirements to be UL2272 certified. Some are disabled, trying to make an honest living and many others were previously jobless. Now they are worse off. Do not let this happen to you in your country.

Every one has a responsibility for the actions he take. So don’t be like Singapore. Don’t wait till its too late.

Ride safe. Ride Responsibly.


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